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January Journal

We can know of God, read about Him even believe that He is and not know Him personally, but when we know Him on a personal level and He becomes our truth - our reality that truth then can be proclaimed and our knowledge of Him has the power to activate heaven.

Lord, I think this is a Kingdom principle.  Is it, Lord?

A:  Well, Beloved, when you know someone as a surety you do not hesitate to say what is in their heart.  You can say what their character is or is not all because of familiarity.

Lynette: So, Lord, what we know as our truth about You, does that have effect?  

A:  Absolutely!  Knowing Me is your most powerful weapon!  Battles that were won in the Old Testament  were won by those that knew Me.

So many earthly things are "iffy",  I mean, you can't count on earthly ideas to save you. The only lasting things are spiritual/eternal - Kingdom.  When this idea becomes fact in your life and your thought life has been transformed heaven knows when this transformation has occurred.  This is the door to Kingdom activation, (heaven to earth activation).

Kingdom principle, you asked, Beloved?

The difference between knowing about God and the experiential personal knowledge - HUGE!

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